Author: Vicky Sylvester

Long Shadows

  • Book Category: Literature
  • ISBN: 978-978-926-342-4
  • No. of Pages: 273

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Long Shadows is a superb recreation of Tiv history at a time of crises, highlighting the internal cleavages, ethnic tensions and recriminations and colonial subjugations of a free, courageous and enterprising people. Mnguember Vicky Sylvester has written an impressive first novel. With this novel Mnguember Vicky Sylvester uses the experience of the Tiv uprising of the early 1960s to inscribe minority discourse into Nigeria/national and regional political experience. Long Shadows is a tour de force as Sylvester, with incredible images and narrative techniques, makes us re-live this period of Nigerian history that we should now try to avoid under a 20" century democracy. This is an awesome book that surely enriches our sensibility and humanity and enthusiastically recommend it to everyone to read.

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