Author: Vicky Sylvester

The Cabals and The Naked Dance (Short Stories)

  • Book Category: Literature
  • ISBN: 978-978-918-559-7
  • No. of Pages: 130

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The Cabals and the Naked Dance is a collection of thrilling stories that lucidly portray Nigeria the way it truly is. From the signatory corruption found in every sector of the Nigerian economy to the hypocrisy of religious leaders and the madmen who rape their own daughters, Nigeria is a theatre of absurdities. The Cabals and the Naked Dance exposes the harsh truths and myriad of social realities of the country. Each story is a vivid portrayal of contemporary societal issues. Through a skillful manipulation of language, Mnguember Vicky Sylvester configures the harsh realities of being a Nigerian and living in Nigeria.

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